LEP Comparison | Astrolux WP4, WP3, Lumintop Thor 2, (+ Convoy L21B)
Today we have 3 LEPs on the table: Lumintop Thor II and Astrolux WP4 can be used with both a 18350 and 18650 tube.I had to purchase the Thor II 18650 tube separately. Model Brightness Candela Throw Estimated range* cd/lm** Convoy L21B 1880lm 369056cd 1215m 450m-600m 196 Astrolux WP4 237lm 332929cd 1154m 385m-577m 1405 Lumintop […]
LEP Comparison | Astrolux WP4, WP3, Lumintop Thor 2, (+ Convoy L21B) Read More »